Saturday, December 18, 2010

This Tuesday, December 21, at 12:47 PM, EST 

is the Winter Solstice,

and a Lunar Eclipse that begins at 2:41 to 3:53 AM, EST.

The last time they happened together was 456 years ago.

Us and the lucky residents of 1564!

It was a busy year,

Galileo was born and Shakespeare baptized,

and that same year

Michelangelo died.


jacquie1062001 said...

Thanks for the mini history lesson! Made a note of the date and time, but usually have no luck with, "wonders in the sky". But I love going to the roof and looking at the sky, so I'll give it a shot.

The Fevered Brain said...

We're looking forward to the event here at the beach. Starts at 12:30 AM, ends at 4:10 AM. Planning on a nice long nap this afternoon!

ddmichel said...
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