Saturday, May 31, 2008

of blooming cactus

Our Christmas cactus is blooming more magnificently than I could have even imagined!

It has been blooming for weeks now. Every plant tip has 3 to 5 flowers. It is truly amazing.
When we left for the winter it was the one plant I did not take to the green house, it stayed in the house in front of a window with no water all winter. When we came home we watered it and turned the heat on. It took a month and then wow - Bloom!
A great gardener friend of ours told us that is the best way to grow those cactus, they LIKE to be dormant and dry all winter. Well that must be true as this is the most beautiful show of these I have ever seen.
It is still gray and cloudy here in the southern most part of the Pacific Northwest. I am hoping the sun will come out soon!

1 comment:

The Fevered Brain said...

That cactus is gorgeous. Looks like tiny orchids.