Saturday, January 9, 2010

in the tradition of thinking too much, I have an idea....

thanks Mexico neighbor Nelson....
for sending me this photo of which is indeed mi casa.
I realize we don't want to sell our property in Mexico, we want to share it.
Same neighbor Nelson once said that the downside of vacation property is under use, he was so right.

Under use.

We are thinking that others might want to share this tropical paradise with us, have a place to come to in Mexico, co-own it.

None of us can be there all the time, we all have other obligations, but we could take turns and someone would always be able to use it, or their family or friends could.

Or sometimes we could be there together, there is plenty of room, and that would be fun too.
It is affordable, especially when we share expenses, and we can leave it to our kids.
Just to give you some idea of how reasonable it could be, we are thinking $20,000 to half it with us, $10,000 each if 2 partners or $5,000 each if 4 partners. Or what is your idea for partnership?
Here is our chance to always have a place near the beach for not much investment. Oh and taxes under $50./year.....
It's remodeled and livable, new appliances, furniture, screens, bikes and boogie boards......

It's an idea and I want to know if there is any interest out there.....

It also available this winter for family and friends to enjoy at no cost if you want to check it out.

Cuyutlan, Colima, Mexico. 30 miles south of Manzanillo, 200 miles south of Puerto Vallarta on the pacific west coast of Mexico.

So please let me know if you or a friend of yours might be interested.
E-mail me and I can give you more information and photos.

It's an IDEA, and so I would appreciate any and all feedback - thanks!
I knew I could count on you!


Anonymous said...

This is great. I was little upset that i can go to see the last comments in this blog so I see this comments is very excellent.


The Fevered Brain said...

Who's going to pay the fiedecomisario? If you have co-owners, do you have to change it from one to several owners? Just a detail, I know, but an important one. Or do you have it in a prestanombre? Great pix, too!

Ariella said...

Wow! That bedroom looks great, I hardly recognized it! Can't wait to see what you guys did with the rest. Mmmm, and the sweetest cocos!

ddmichel said...

We have a prestanombre. We would add co-owners names on the deed.

Robin said...

Wow, that's a generous offer, Deborah and Willie! How cool. Wish we could visit this year, but alas, we're too tied up right now, but we are interested. Would love to talk to you more.
Robin y Geraldo

40licious said...

I LOVE the idea of owning property in Mexico! I'm in US real estate jail, however, so all those great ideas need to wait until the next insane housing bubble for me ... xoxox