Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This is not the actual landslide that stopped my trip today, but it could be. 5 tons of rock fell on Highway 199 near the California Oregon border last night. It closed the road in both directions.

I was heading down to Arcata today when I realized the road was closed and I had to turn around.

Having just come from flat Florida it is hard to remember what living in the mountains means. There are only 2 roads from Oregon into northern California. Only 2 ways to cross the mountains. One is to cross them in Oregon and drive down the Oregon coast, or drive south through Grant's Pass and use 199 to cut over to the California coast. The drive down the Oregon coast takes a lot longer but has no passes that could possibly have snow.

My revised plan was to start out early and take the coast route, but I just checked and the road is open now and so tomorrow I will try again. I thought I was deciding what day I was going down to visit, the rocks decided for me. They say tomorrow.

1 comment:

The Fevered Brain said...

Be safe. See you here soon.