Wednesday, December 19, 2007

mom's doing better

I am happy to report that mom is doing better. She saw the doctor and dentist on Monday. They fixed her mouth plate so that she can talk now and yesterday she actually was able to eat something. I am very glad I am here and able to help.

Her spirits are perking up and it is a great thing to see. We still have a ways to go, it was a massive surgery, they took out the roof of her mouth, and she will have to have radiation treatment but she is much more comfortable and that is wonderful. Last night she took her plate out and put it back in herself and that was a big accomplishment.

Thank-you for all you e-mails and support, I really appreciate it and it has gotten me through.

I wish you all a very merry christmas and a great new year!!

1 comment:

haytcb said...

Bless you and your mom. Your mom will be happy to see you are so filial.
I just come to your blog by chance. Please forgive me for my breaking in.