Saturday, July 23, 2011

passion vine up-date

I have been home long enough now to have posted all the photos of the trip,
caught up on my sleep and almost caught up on my yard work
this is not a great time to work in the yard here
many afternoons it clouds up and we have thundershowers and rain
then there is the heat
the heat is not so bad, but the mosquitoes are

the vines are filling in nicely

one of my favorite ones opening on the side of the arbor
most of the blooms have been with the front runner on the fence

 I am so proud of that flower....

the right side filled in on the inside of the fence

and the outside

we also have a surprise watermelon plant
we have already eaten one watermelon - it was wonderful
the plant is taking over the flower bed

I know what I am going to plant lots of next year

1 comment:

jacquie1062001 said...

Deborah, your plants and vines are amazing!